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Why should you Hire Developers in India from Internshala?

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Quick Shortlisting Process
World-class ATS with filters to shortlist candidates faster.
Seamless communication
Instant chat to reach out to candidates immediately
Advanced hiring tools
Built-in interview scheduler and assignment tool for hasslefree hiring
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Hire Developers with Professional Experience

Full-Stack Development
Front-End Development
Explore from 1.7M+ profiles with prior proof of work.

Hire Developers in India - Post Jobs for Free on Internshala

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can directly connect with developers using Internshala’s chatbox after shortlisting the right candidate using our ATS with filters. You can also use our built-in features to schedule an interview with the developers.

You can post 1 free job or internship per month on Internshala. If you wish to hire numerous candidates at once, you can sign up for the premium plan.

Further, if your company is based outside India, i.e. if you are an international employer, you can check out the 30-day free trial. It will give you access to all the premium features like a world-class ATS, a dedicated relationship manager, and more. You will also be able to post 1 internship/job opening for free (in the lifetime). You can then choose to subscribe to the premium plan and post unlimited jobs/internships to hire skilled employees quickly and in a cost-efficient manner.

Internshala is a great platform if you want to hire developers in India. We offer a free job posting option, a premium job posting option, a dedicated support team, and much more. Here are some more reasons that set Internshala apart from the rest:

  • You can register on Internshala for free.
  • You could save up to 70% on the cost of hiring.
  • You will gain access to over 1.7 million skilled candidates across 250+ fields, complete with proof of work.
  • We provide a world-class ATS with filters to streamline your search for the best candidates.
  • A dedicated relationship manager will assist you in your hiring process.
Yes, you can hire developers in less than 48 hours through Internshala with a paid premium plan. This plan includes benefits like unlimited job postings, assistance from relationship managers, unlimited access to applications, and much more. ATS system with useful filters streamlines the hiring process, and you get the best candidate for your job quickly.

You can also opt for Internshala’s end-to-end recruitment services and get vetted candidates directly. To find out more about this service, you can connect with our hiring expert.

You can hire a React Native developer by following these simple steps:

  • Go to the ‘Hire Talent’ Portal and sign up for a free account.
  • Post your requirements for a React Native Developer.
  • Hire dedicated developers most suitable for your team.
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Hire Dedicated Developers

Hire Developers

By 2024, with an increase of 6.69%, the global developer population will reach $28.7 million. As the number of tech experts increases in the job market, so does the need to have a dedicated recruitment process in place to hire the best talent. A well-planned hiring process helps you fulfill the requirements of your team quickly and effectively.

Every development team requires different types of developers who can build applications, software, websites, and more. Here is a guide on how to hire developers to help you recruit the most suitable developers for your team. 

Hire Dedicated Developers for Any Role

The development process for a website or an application involves steps such as research, planning, designing, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. This process also requires you to be aware of the top job roles in the domain, so that you can easily fill the gap in your team. Here is a list of the various types of developers:

  • Front-End Developer: If you are looking for someone to create interactive and engaging features for your website or application, consider hiring a front-end developer.
  • Back-End Developer: To work on your website’s architecture, database, and script, you can hire a back-end developer.
  • Full-Stack Developer: A full-stack developer is the best choice for projects that require a professional for both front-end and back-end development skills. 
  • Mobile App Developer: For developing a mobile application, search for mobile app developers who possess knowledge of Android architecture and can help you design, test, and create mobile applications. 
  • UI Developer: If you want professionals to design and enhance the user interface of your website or application, you can recruit UI developers who are experts in creating intuitive and interactive interfaces for better user engagement. 

Hire Developers Based on Skills

Several developers are trained in one or the other programming language and work on related projects. Java, Python, SQL, Ruby, JavaScript, C, C++, and Kotlin are among the top programming languages that most developers are skilled in. So, if you have specific language requirements for your projects, you can choose one of the following developers with specialized training: 

  • Java Developer: They build applications and software using Java-based components and interfaces. To assess the knowledge of a Java developer, ask them questions from this list of the most important Java interview questions. 
  • Python Developer: They create software, programs, and applications. They also debug errors in Python-based development projects. Check out these top Python interview questions to interview prospective developers.
  • AJAX Developer: They develop interactive websites using HTML, CSS, JavaSript, etc. They majorly help in making your website more responsive. 
  • C# Developer: They are efficient in creating C# code for software development projects and are proficient in .NET, JavaScript, HTML, and more. 
  • PHP Developer: PHP developers are employed for web development and business application development mostly. They develop programs, websites, and applications based on PHP, the dynamic scripting language. 

3 Easy Ways to Assess the Technical Skills of Developers

It is essential to hire experts with efficient technical skills to produce high-quality results for any development project. Therefore, ensure that you hire developers with proper training, knowledge, and skills. Here are some ways to assess a candidate’s suitability for the role:

  • Evaluate Their Portfolio: Always ask for a portfolio to check the kind of projects the developers have worked on before. These projects may be independent or for previous employers. Many developers maintain a GitHub account to display their projects. Go through it to analyze their growth as a developer. 
  • Assess Technical Knowledge in Interviews: A developer must be well-versed in all the fundamental concepts that form the basics of their technical knowledge. Interview candidates to evaluate their technical knowledge, critical thinking, and communication skills. 
  • Analyze Skills Using Tests/Assignments: Give a short assignment on the spot or online to evaluate the candidate’s technical skills and check if they can work as per requirements with a deadline. 

How to Hire Developers in India? 

One of the top hiring platforms, Internshala, helps you easily hire dedicated developers in India for your team. Recruiting your next employee is only five steps away. Let us navigate through these here: 

Step 1: Register on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal.
Step 2: Enlist the qualifications, experience, and responsibilities related to the role. 
Step 3: Shortlist potential developers with Internshala's ATS with advanced filters.
Step 4: Connect with the candidates through the instant chat box and schedule an interview with the help of the built-in interview scheduler.
Step 5: Offer contracts to selected candidates and onboard them through virtual communication tools. 

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