Kredent InfoEdge Private Limited (Elearnmarkets And StockEdge)
Kolkata, India
About Kredent InfoEdge Private Limited (Elearnmarkets And StockEdge) is an online education platform with the vision of taking finance training to the next level which is guided by our mission to simplify finance and enhance careers. And now we can adapt to the convenient environment of the virtual world to reach out to you by the means of practical education that had been limited to the classrooms. Elearnmarkets is a portal that remains open round the clock and is different in its approach as you can educate yourself anywhere and anytime StockEdge is the fastest-growing stock market analytics app in India with over 1 million downloads and a rating of 4.3/5 on the Play Store. It empowers investors to do self-research with its simple user interface and powerful functionalities. Our mission is to simplify finance and empower investors across India to have best-in-class analytics.