One For One Foundation
Delhi, India
About One For One Foundation
One for One Foundation, which was established in 2019. I founded this organization with the vision to meet the needs of the underprivileged by just Rs1 a day, implying we can facilitate the betterment of humanity without any inconvenience to our lives. I intend to change the perception about the very rupee that we often let go in stores with ease. I want everyone to realize that even a penny of your hard-earned money can create a significant change in the lives of the underprivileged. The NGO's work is proof that our little efforts collectively can materialize a seemingly impossible idea. Another feature that makes this NGO distinctive is that every contribution is accepted with gratitude and reverted with access to proof of its utilization. I foresee a huge expansion of this NGO in terms of work and reach, and I invite you to join us on this journey at your convenience.