Les Transformations Learning Private Limited
Gurgaon, India
About Les Transformations Learning Private Limited
http://www.suraasa.comSuraasa by Les Transformations is a multi-national ed-tech brand that empowers school teachers by helping them super-charge their career growth and inspire millions of youth to become high-impact, high-achieving, and high-earning motivated teachers. Revolutionizing teacher education globally, Suraasa is on a mission to make school teaching one of the most prestigious and rewarding careers. Suraasa is founded by a visionary team of global pedagogy experts, the industry's leading technologists, the world's top MBAs, top management consultants, and counselors in the industry. We work as a family and the founders place every team member's growth and development at the forefront. Offering a pleasant and fast-paced work environment, we offer liberty to execute your ideas, learn new things, and grow in every way.